Fifth Grade.png

 Fifth grade is so much fun. We will be reading, writing, learning the rules of debate, doing research projects, typing, science projects, social studies, and of course everyone’s favorite math.

Students will be doing video projects, and playing Kahoot.

For English Language Arts-Students will be doing a daily journal they will also be doing daily oral grammar exercises.
Students will learn typing skills, and typing short cut keys. We will also be doing novel studies. We will read Out of My Mind, The Giver, and The Hatchet. We will do novel studies and have discussions about the books. We will work on vocabulary, spelling, critical thinking, main idea, theme, and more. Students will spend four weeks on each book. At the end of each completed novel study students will create a commercial book talk and share the video project.

Math-Students will complete to project based math lessons throughout this course. The first is they will build a water park. Students will learn place value, addition, substation, multiplication, division, measurement, and geometry skills. Students will work on this project for 6 weeks. Each week we will play games on Kahoot to check math skills, for students to interact with each other. Students will create a video to share their work and explain what math skills they used in creating this project.

The next project students will build a town they will be learning architecture vocabulary, vocabulary for geometry, and measurement multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division are all a part of this 6 week study. Each week we will play games on Kahoot to check math skills, for students to interact with each other. Students will create a video to share their work and explain what math skills they used in creating this project.

Students will learn about Plate tectonics and create a model to show transform, convergent, and divergent.

Weathering and soil- Students investigate and analyze the different changes in Earth’s surface and the environment due to weathering and erosion.
Students use evidence to explain the process of weathering and erosion.

Social Studies- Lost Colony of Roanoke
The Roanoke Mystery introduces students to the significance of early exploration of America. Why were the British trying to colonize the New World anyway, and what did it take to be a successful colony?

We will discuss exchange of plant life, animal life, and disease that resulted from exploration of the New World, including the introduction of wheat, rice, coffee, horses, pigs, cows, and chickens to the Americas; the introduction of corn, potatoes, peanuts, and squash to Europe; and the effects of such diseases as diphtheria, measles, smallpox, and malaria on Native Americans.

The Salem Witch Trials-

Discuss the beliefs that the Puritans had prior to coming to the New England Colonies. Explain how and why individuals were accused of witchcraft.
Ask students to research an accused witch. They can find out what the colonist was accused of, the reason behind it, the court case itself, and the end result. The History of Massachusetts website is an excellent source of information.
Ask students to discuss and write about the effects of rumors and hysteria both in 17th Century Salem and in our world today.